Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Hello again, This is the blog that time forgot.

Well actually it's me who forgot.

I've been running around doing busy work but not achieving very much in the Internet Marketing space.

My Kindle book keeps selling steadily in low volumes which is to be expected as it's a pretty small niche market.  You can find it here if you are interested in building an effective wire antenna bit of a mixed bag of reviews but the whole idea of writing the book was as a proof of concept and to make it easy for an unskilled person to build an antenna that works well.

Other than that though there are only very small drips of income from all my other fairly pathetic efforts.

However, I have decided that this year, 2017, I will make a focussed effort and make this work.  I have motivation, I now have two grandchildren and both mothers will need to go back to work full time which is not the best for the grandchildren.  Neither mother actually wants to go back to work but finances are too tight if they don't.

I also have a friend at work who really wants to make additional income and has been pestering me to show him how.  Oh, and I need to prove to my darling wife that it really is possible to make good money on the Internet and I haven't just been wasting my time. 😉

So, I have been writing an instruction manual for them so that they can supplement their income from online sources rather than going to an office.

I have gathered all the resources that I have accumulated over the years, blown the dust off them, crawled through everything and checked for still active sites (most are dead), discarded everything which I know Google has blocked off and a whole bunch of things which are just plain dodgy.

Then I also eliminated everything which costs money to set up or run and everything which requires constant work to maintain.

Having done all this I have a fairly compact plan of attack.  There is no need to:

  • agonise over picking a niche,
  • agonise over picking keywords,
  • write content, 
  • buy traffic, 
  • buy a domain name, 
  • buy web hosting, 
  • have any technical knowledge or skill,
  • build hundreds of links,
  • build an email list.
What I haven't done is write a program to do all this for them and I don't intend to.  This is as close to the ideal simplified system that I could create and I think it's gunna be great.

Now I need to test it, fine tune it if required and pass it on to them.  This may never end up as an ebook or an email course for sale because it's my belief that if you find something that works well you should milk it for all it's worth while it's still working.

Many of the systems I have bought on the past have had something missing and didn't work as advertised.  Even the Done For You packages I've bought have failed to deliver even when I followed the instructions to the letter.

When this system proves to work as I expect it will and if I find that even with the small group I teach this to it continues to work fine and if the potential market is way too big for us to manage then, and only then, I might share this with a few more people.

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Anyway, time to start the testing.  Wish me luck.

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