This is my "Authority Site' (more on this later), the url is and has been online but doing nothing for about a year. I set this up after purchasing the course from a well known blogging master and followed the instructions but didn't get the traffic I expected. I did get volume but it was all rubbish, high bounce rate and no link clicking.
I found, or was sent, a link to another site as happens and yet again bought the product on offer Get Google Smart.
Once I read this ebook though I got really interested. I converted the above site to conform with the suggestions and put the suggestions into action. See, that's the difference between me and a lot of other marketers, I actually do try the products and suggestions, most just hope that by having the information on their computer that somehow they'll magically do the work for them. Sorry folks, can't and won't happen.
Back to the main thrust. Adding content to this site is done in three ways, all absolutely easy and takes almost no time to do. I am, at best, an intermittent marketer. I prefer to spend my time writing software tools for my use, see last post for my current project. I hadn't checked the traffic stats on the blog for a couple of weeks but I did last night just before shutting down my computer for the night.
What I saw was simply amazing. 10,000 pageviews in a single month, over 400 unique visitors about half are rss feeds, the search engines are falling over themselves to catalogue the site (there are currently over 2,500 posts of which I wrote perhaps 20).
I looked at the visitors from search engines and discovered that most of them came from search terms I didn't use but I was on the first page of results for. The main site keywords Wealth Management Tips not in quotes in the USA results I am on page 1 of Google. This site is growing on it's own, it's posting content that is unique, some that is duplicate but is all related to the overall theme of the site. I have a bit more work to do to be able to convert this growing traffic to income but I am now totally confident that this method works and is highly unlikely to be "Google Slapped" because it is delivering exactly what Google wants, regular updates, relevant content, not keyword stuffed, not overtly commercial.
That link again for you Get Google Smart please, if you want to make money online, go get his book. It will transform your attitude to marketing and your ability to make money online. If you don't stiff me on the commission and let me know your receipt number I'll give you a copy of my Google Search tool.
It's worth having, I use it almost every day rather than the Google search page because it puts all the advanced search functions, and a some you can't get access to easily, at your finger tips. No, it's not currently for sale, no it's not currently available anywhere except by asking me. Yes I am planning on selling it, later.
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Friday, April 17, 2009
I looked at my stats. What I saw was amazing.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Another New Project
While setting up my Wealth Management Tips site as an Authority Site (more on this later) I needed an autoresponder with some useful features. What I need it to do is send a series of emails to the subscriber as a double opt-in and allow me to also send the occasional braodcast email to all subscribers.
I have access to a couple of autoresponders which will send an initial email for confirmation - double opt-in - and then allow me to send broadcast emails to all subscribers. I can't use those to send an email course. I have an autoresponder program which will allow me to set up an email course but can't send a broadcast email to all subscribers and it isn't double opt-in.
I searched online and it is possible to combine both in a paid service but there are limits to the number of subscribers and/or emails before you start paying more per month. There was no free service or software that could do both that I found.
So, I'm writing one. I did think about out-sourcing it but decided that I could buy the service for the cost of getting one written. In any case, I want to be able to give this software away not sell it. There is one feature that I came up with which I probably will sell as an add-on module to the free package because not everyone will want it. And I won't be saying more about this yet because it'll be a bloody good tool for marketers and I don't want any competition until I have it available.
One other feature that I want to add which is also not available on anything else but will be copied rapidly is the ability for your subscribers to modify their subscriptions, not just un-subscribe. What I have in mind is the ability to stop, pause, re-start, re-start from part way through a mailing, change to other subscriptions, change the email address they are getting their emails to all from one simple page.
Once you add to that the ability to track delivery, clicks on the links in your emails and sales from sent emails then you'll have a marketing tool to behold. The addition of the extra, as yet un-announced function should make this and absolute must have tool.
There is one fly in the ointment, usually is isn't there, I have some concerns about the ISPs and/or web hosts allowing the sending of the emails. Some of them are quite @#$%^&*( (I don't have a good, polite word for this) about bulk emailing. Aparently it's all spam. Not true of course so I might have to do some research and find a couple of good ones to host the software. Something to be solved later.
For now, if you would like to be a beta tester, let me know. There's nothing available yet but will be soon, i.e. weeks not months.
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