Monday, April 14, 2008

Does Procrastination Kill Your Success?

John Delavera, one of the Internets most successful marketers, has been around forever (well, as far as the internet is concerned) asks the question AND provides a solution. Check out the snippet below and follow the link.
… and DO SOMETHING with that material… There are 100s of sites today that offer you articles on various niches… Take for example… Yes I know, another site of mine, but it’s the perfect example… Here is some news too: as you will see there is no order link on that site. This is because I decided to offer the access free to members of - later on this month… Anyway… when you go on that site you will see there are many niches offered. Pick a niche. Get 10-20 articles… then WORK with those articles and create a HOW TO guide. You can do that. Just use the content and create a How to guide. It’s easy and if you cannot do that then ask for help in a forum.
***** more...

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Sunday, April 13, 2008

Nathan Neal - Traffic Broker - BS...

I've been watching this site for a while, it looks like a good deal but...

"Like I said, I poured my heart and soul into the creation of this course, making it so step-by-step that even my computer illiterate friends and family could follow along. Here’s just a taste of what’s covered inside…

My tested and proven business plan that even "lazy" people can use to cash-in on the Internet... ** absolutely no such thing **
How to profit by directing people to someone else's website - even when they leave without buying!
How teaming up with massive "Authority Sites" (like Google!) to promote other people's products is my biggest secret to success... ** Does he mean PPC? **
5 types of companies you should AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE and never promote!
** let me guess, adult, casino, horse racing, porn **
Amazing programs that pay you money just for getting people to enter their zip code into a form! (That's right, you can get paid REAL MONEY just for getting someone to enter their ZIP CODE into a form!) ** Only for USA traffic **
How free content can generate 10 times the amount of traffic as paid advertising. (I'm serious when I say you DON'T need to spend money to make money!)
The secret to competing with big companies who spend a fortune to advertise. (Using the "guerilla tactics" I'll teach you, you don't need deep pockets to succeed.)
How to tak advantage of established brands for big profits. (You win while the big companies do all the work!) ** he did mention illiterate people before **
...and much, much more!

In fact, that’s not even the tip of the iceberg! "

he is absolutely correct, there is absolutely no information on how to get any traffic at all despite the claims that you'll learn how to be a "traffic broker".

You can't 'broker traffic' if you don't have any so this one is full of it. I would suggest that you avoid this one.

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Saturday, April 12, 2008

Adsense Whizz Kid: Automated Money from Google Adsense in 2007

This is actually a test of a technique I am trying out.
It is part of a Blog-and-Ping tutorial. If this results in traffic on this or any other site then this technique will be written up here. Stay tuned.

Adsense Whizz Kid: Automated Money from Google Adsense in 2007: "Discover how to generate automated income from every single website in this new and unstable Adsense environment: March 2007.

The only catch is I will be letting 125, 76, 51, 39, 18 lucky people into the secrets: the strategies that set me, the Adsense Whizz Kid,
apart from the chasing pack...

....AND now YOU: if and only if you qualify
of course....."

See the above text actually came from a different website -- AND I am not at my blog posting this.

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This is an extremely interesting experience.

I just had a look at the Google Analytics for this site and there has been NO visitors at all.

What is interesting about this is that I have other sites which get traffic, not much but some, with no promotion of any sort and they show up in the search results for some keywords. Well down the list but they are there.

This site is on Google's own site and gets spidered regularly, I ping it and link to it but the analytics show nothing. Someone, somewhere must be trying to get here but nothing shows up. Makes me wonder if there is a deliberate effort to either hide the site or hide the traffic.

So I have a request to anyone who actually reads this post to leave a comment and/or send me an email at burtm10 (at) brentmilne (dot) com just to confirm that you read this.

I am also going to set up another type of traffic generating link which I will talk about if it actually works.

Cheers for now.

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