Monday, April 14, 2008

Does Procrastination Kill Your Success?

John Delavera, one of the Internets most successful marketers, has been around forever (well, as far as the internet is concerned) asks the question AND provides a solution. Check out the snippet below and follow the link.
… and DO SOMETHING with that material… There are 100s of sites today that offer you articles on various niches… Take for example… Yes I know, another site of mine, but it’s the perfect example… Here is some news too: as you will see there is no order link on that site. This is because I decided to offer the access free to members of - later on this month… Anyway… when you go on that site you will see there are many niches offered. Pick a niche. Get 10-20 articles… then WORK with those articles and create a HOW TO guide. You can do that. Just use the content and create a How to guide. It’s easy and if you cannot do that then ask for help in a forum.
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