Saturday, August 01, 2009

Here's one of the good guys.

I remember reading in one of Chris 'Affiliate Project X' McNeeneys' ebooks or emails, I don't remember which, about an affiliate of his who was kicking ass in sales. That affiliates name is Andre Chaperon.

Today I found Andre Chaperon's website Affiliate Bully. Now before you all head over there I am going to give you a couple of links to something very special that Andre has done.

I'd like to tell you a bit about this first. Andre's page is about a number of tools which will help you create profitable adwords campaigns. Once they are profitable you can then leverage them into MSN and Yahoo campaigns and begin working on organic traffic etc.

The thing is, Andre really does have good information and brilliant tools but there is something very special which I am giving you links to, he has given two complete step by step ways to make money with free tools, Clickbank and Adwords. He shows how to pick good keywords, how to choose the product, how to set up the campaign, how to track your ROI and how to make your campaigns profitable. All for free, not even an email address as cost. And this is seriously good stuff. You could just visit his site, plug these two links into your favorites and visit regularly until you are making money.

OK, OK, the links are Affiliate Bully Reloaded and Clickbank Case Study and do your self a favor. Visit Andre, read the case study, follow the steps and finally make some money.

I have already set up one campaign using this information, I don't have the split testing set up yet but will manage that very soon, like today. I have tracking set up.

OK, I'm still using free tools for that. I use Google Analytics for lots of tracking, even on this blog and I am very pleased with the results. I am going to set up the split testing using Google website optimisation. I haven't used that yet so this is a good time to try it out. Seriously, check out this site and get stuck in this is one of those really good deals where you can make money with your internet marketing.

Those links again are Affiliate Bully Reloaded and Clickbank Case Study

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