Friday, November 17, 2017

Well hasn't that been interesting?

Maybe not if you haven't being paying attention, like me.

This post is really to test a theory of mine about using rss feeds on a website to generate traffic and keep the pages or posts fresh when you have too many sites to manage properly.

Why would I want to do this?  Well, over the years I've been playing around here I have managed to accumulate 55+ domain names most of which are hosted, have Wordpress installed and some content as I went about testing various things.

There are three things I have been really crap at and these are the keys to making any money online.

One of these is keeping the sites updated with relevant content, I'll tell you the others at the end of this post.

Anyway, I was reading an article recently about how the big sites such as Facebook, Google, Amazon and others have stopped allowing people to access their sites via RSS.

I don't know exactly why but it's possible that they didn't get any traffic from them but that's unlikely.

It's more likely, in my opinion, that other people were getting the traffic that they thought they should have.

Understand that these sites want your eyeballs on their pages direct so they can advertise directly to you.

They are not in the philanthropic mindset of helping lots of others make money despite the fact that they would not be as big as they are without all the little people helping them, they kind of forget that they got their traction by the efforts of other people promoting them.

I'm not going to tell you just yet what I'm doing but I will let you know if it does work out well or not.

Another thing I have been working on for quite a while is a way to programatically update a WordPress site without having to log into every site manually to do the updates.  You can get more info on this at but you can't get the program yet as it's still in development.  It is very close so sign up there for notification if you want.

OK, the other two things I haven't done which I should have been doing years ago.

Learn how to drive traffic and do it consistently.  Actually it's not that hard to drive traffic, it's much harder to be consistent.  The RSS feed thing should help with this.

Build a list of people who like what I talk about, there has to be 10 - 20 of you out there.
This is actually the biggest mistake I have made.  With a list of readers you can drive traffic to any site you want with a single email.

If your list is big enough and responsive enough you don't have to worry about SEO or search engine updates because you have your own traffic source.

If you think about that for just a second you'll know I'm right.  Where did you find out about the latest shiny object that you really just had to have?  Probably not by searching in Google, probably via your inbox.

OK, I have a couple of other projects on the go at the moment, a software tool for finding all the free stuff available on Amazon, there's Gb of pdfs, movies, software etc. on thousands of subjects.  Looking for content or PLR stuff, it's all there for the downloading.  Coming to a website near you soon.

There other one is a complementary tool to help you do these searches in Google.  I have one which works fine but it's only for Windows.  I'm re-writing it to work on all desktops, tablets and mobiles.  Again coming soon.

Time to get back to work.

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